Individual therapy

Would you like something different for your life?

How do you think most people would answer this question?

Let us imagine some people said ‘yes’.

If I then asked ‘what would you like to be different?’, how many people would answer ‘I just want to be happy’?

How do you then define happiness? And how would you know you were happy? Is ‘happy’ as an idea a reasonable one? Or are you standing in the wrong place to start with?

One hypothesis is that most of us have the ability to be far happier and more fulfilled as individuals than we realise, yet we can ignore our obligation to develop ourselves and spend time hoping people and situations will change. If you can relate to this and would like to experience a space to reflect on your life and your personal development then therapy may suit you. 

Some starting points for talking therapy:-

Relationship patterns that are not working

 Exploring depression in the context of your life story

 Traumatic experiences and integrating them into your life

 Dealing with the effects of physical and sexual abuse

 Facing the undermining effects of emotional abuse to your sense of self

 Addictions as a way of managing feelings

 Looking at relationship with food/body

 Stress as a sign of being out of balance in life

 Anxiety; living in an uncertain world

 Processing the effects of bullying

 Understanding anger

 Parenting difficulties

• A wish for personal development

 Develop a stronger sense of self

If individual therapy appeals to you, please contact me.

© Lesley Burrows 2014